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Class 1

Class 1 - Reception - Miss Bullock

Welcome to Class 1, our reception class. This is where children start their life with us at St James.

Beginning school is a major event in the life of a four-year-old. There will be lots of new things to learn and do! We aim to make it a happy and memorable experience which will help your child settle quickly into school life. We learn through play in our classroom and our outdoor area. We have a new topic each half-term, and we follow the children's interests. Each child also has their own 'Fantastic Friday' where we learn about a topic of their choice. Our buddies in Class 4 help sit with us during whole school worship, they hold our hands on our walk up to church and they play with us at lunchtime. 

In Class 1 we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum: 

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