Our School Uniform
We believe that a school uniform is important:
- It looks smart
- Wears well
- Contributes to a sense of belonging and community
- Gives a common purpose
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- Fosters a feeling of pride.
The school uniform is as follows:
V-neck Royal blue jumper/cardigan with logo
- Pale blue collared shirt,
- Clip on tie,
- Grey trousers/shorts/skirts/pinafores, (not black)
- Black shoes. (boots/trainers will not be allowed)
- (Blue and white checked summer dresses can be worn in the summer months)
P.E. Kit (Boys & Girls)
- Pumps for indoor use
- Trainers for outdoor use
- T-shirt plain white or one with school logo/ school polo shirt
- P.E. shorts, black or white
We ask that all children wear the uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform is designed to be practical, maintainable and good value for money.
Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons bobbles, bows etc, should be fairly simple and if possible in school colours.
Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.
Tracksuits or old sweatshirts are recommended for outdoor use during the winter months. Trainers should not be used for indoor P.E. because of safety and the possible damage to expensive equipment.
Bags: Due to the limited cloakroom space rucksack style bags are preferred for children's equipment. Book bags bearing the schools logo can be purchased from the school office during normal office hours.
Jewellery: With the exception of watches, jewellery is discouraged. Children with pierced ears should only wear studs to school. These should be removed or covered with micro pore or similar during P.E. lessons. Children must do this for themselves. No jewellery should be worn when swimming.